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Minutes 3-26-2013
Holland Conservation Commission

Minutes of  Commission meeting held on March 26, 2013

Present: Neil Byrne, Acting Chairperson; Marcia Beal, Marianne Martone

Absent: Patricia Caron, James Wettlaufer

7:00 PM – Acting Chairperson Neil Byrne called the meeting to order. Minutes from the previous meetings were read.  
Two new prospective members were introduced, and they observed the meeting during the evening.  They were Fran Gallo of 73 Sandy Beach Road and Paul Roman of 22 Massaconnic Trail.  

Old Business –

Mike Thibeault, contractor, represented Faith Paul of  21 Lakeridge Drive.  File number 184-0284 concerning construction of a retaining wall was recorded and filed.   Neil Byrne noted that when the Order of Conditions  was submitted by e-file on December 18, 2012, page 8 of the file was not recorded.  Neil said he would check on it.  

New Business -

7:15 – Darren Nguyen appeared to check if he was under Conservation jurisdiction to build an addition on his home at 32 Evelyn Drive.  The Commission decided it was not within its jurisdiction.  A motion was made by Marianne Martone and seconded that no action was needed.

7:30 – A hearing was held for Edward Dailey of 2 Sandy Beach Road.  Mark Farrell presented the project to repair and replace the septic system.  The meeting was continued until April 9, 2013 so that further information could be obtained.  

7:45 – Mike Thibeault, contractor, representing Edward Dailey of 2 Sandy Beach Road,  appeared before the Commission.  He presented photographs and plans of stairs on Mr. Dailey’s property that he is replacing that are 45 feet from the lake.  After reviewing the photographs, the Commission approved the stairs.  

Mr. Thibault also was advised that page 8 was left out of Faith Paul’s submitted Order of Conditions.  He will be contacted if a re-submission is necessary.

8:00 PM – Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by,

Marcia Beal, Acting Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA